onsdag 12 februari 2014

Powder skiing and racing

The weather continues to be normal… in other words loads of grey snowy days and once in a while sunshine days. Unfortunately I still haven´t been able to climb anything high up. 

But to be honest this weather is so good for me. I started skiing about 6 years ago. I have been lucky to since then mostly get 60 days+ seasons, the down part is most of them in the profession as a ski patroller. So skiing in walk mode with a heavy backpack and loads of poles in my arms is not the problem. But as you can guess the ski technique is more towards survival skiing. So the latest weeks I’ve really been focusing on position and technique. On top of that we´ve had several amazing powder days.
Helbronner, Italy
a bit tracked here, a good reason to get the camera out.

One of those days was in Courmayeur on the Italian side of the massif called the Helbronner lift. It´s only a 20 minute drive away but it´s such a difference. The cable car is very old (unfortunately going to be replaced by a hypermodern one) there are rarely queues and if there are no worries; the café selling 1 euro Italian coffee is just around the corner. Everything got another paste really Italian style. The day we went here we were lucky the weather was great and the snow fairly stable. This made it possible to ski al the way from the top meaning 2000 meter in altitude runs. After a couple of runs I decided to stop, my legs were done and it was getting a bit warmer. Al the skiing is on very avalanche exposed slopes or just below it so make sure to watch out!
Just before the start

Two years ago I participated in a rando-race in the Kebnekaise massif in Sweden called ´´keb-classic´´ together with Martin Karlsson. For that occasion I had invested in a semi racing kit. After that i´ve only been using it when training, but when I found out that there was a race held in Les houches I couldn´t stay behind. It was a lot of fun getting in to racing mode again. It was a simple race with only 850 meter vertical uphill and no downhill. There we´re maybe 30 people participating and mostly al geared up in superlight gear, this was going to be tough. In the end I managed to get up in 52.02 minutes the fastest i´ve done this track this year. The winner was loads quicker only 41 minutes! Would be fun to get more racing done in the future!

Some look so fast!

And the finish. Good work Les houches for aranging this!

tisdag 4 februari 2014


 Already a week has passed of my stay in Chamonix. It was very nice to come back ´´home´´ being in this amazing valley and meet up with friends. Unfortunately the weather hasn´t been too good, so no big adventures yet in the mountains. But there is still plenty to do around here to prepare and stay in shape. 
Some cardio workout skinning up the ´´randonee´´ track at les houches, cruising the Vallee Blanche, practising ski technique on the groomers and hanging at the ´´
We we´re not the only ones drytooling at the zoo.

Lars Sjötröm is taking a breath halfway down the vallee Blanche

Almost at the end of the Vallee blanche and still happy faces! This is ski descent is always a hit!